Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tania/Martha Cupcake Challenge

In honor of the new cookbook, Martha Stewart's Cupcakes, I challenge myself to re-create each of the 175 recipes in the book. This challenge is also inspired by the new movie, Julie/Julia, about a woman who blogged about recreating all of Julia Child's recipes. Since I prefer baking to cooking, I plan on cupcakes only. I'll post pictures each day of my results, along with comments and observations. I plan to give away the cupcakes I make each day to senior homes, firestations, or to anyone who'd like to have them. I look forward to this challenge, and hope that I will inspire others to get in the kitchen and start experimenting. Happy Baking!


Patricia P said...

Awesome!! I'll follow and check in to see each one of your masterpieces. Good Luck and have fun with all your baking. Cupcakes rule!!!

amy said...

Yay! I check your blog all the time waiting to see what you've created, so this will be entertaining!!!!